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As a biology teacher, I always try to make my lessons engaging and relatable for my students. And what better way to do that than to use myself as an example! In this article, I will share with you some personal examples of reproduction and genetics that I have experienced, both in my personal life and in my teaching.

My Personal Experience with Reproduction

As a human being, I have gone through the process of reproduction myself. I have two biological children, both of whom inherit traits from both me and my husband. One of them has my eye color and his father's hair color, while the other has my husband's eye color and my hair color. This is a great opportunity for me to talk to my students about genetics and inheritance, and how different traits are passed down from parents to their offspring.

Home Visits with md0076 and md0050

As part of my teaching practice, I often conduct home visits to see how students live and learn outside of the classroom. During one of these visits, I went to the home of md0076 and found that she had a litter of kittens. This was a perfect opportunity for me to teach my students about animal reproduction and the differences between asexual and sexual reproduction. We discussed the process of mating between male and female cats, and how the offspring inherit traits from both parents.


On another home visit to md0050's home, I learned that her family has a large vegetable garden in their backyard. This, too, was a great opportunity for me to teach my students about plant reproduction and pollination. We discussed how plants produce flowers, attract pollinators, and develop fruits and seeds.

My Own Genetics

In addition to my personal experience with reproduction, I am also interested in my own genetics. I have taken a DNA test to learn more about my ancestry and genetic makeup. One interesting result was that I have a genetic marker for a rare disease, which means that I am a carrier of the gene. This has led to conversations with my students about genetic diseases and how they are inherited.


Overall, using myself as an example in my biology teaching has been extremely beneficial. It allows me to connect with my students on a personal level and makes the material more relatable and engaging. By sharing my personal experiences with reproduction and genetics, I hope to inspire my students to continue learning and exploring the fascinating world of biology.