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The world we live in is full of diversity, and as humans, we express ourselves in different ways. Art, music, and literature are some of the means we use to communicate our emotions and ideas. However, as language is a universal tool for communication, the study of language is essential to understanding different cultures and people. English is one of the most widely spoken languages globally, and learning it has become a necessity for people from all walks of life.

Public Speaking and English Class

Public speaking is an essential skill that is required in almost every profession and personal setting. However, anxiety associated with public speaking is a common problem that affects many people. English class not only improves individuals’ language skills but also provides a platform for building confidence in public speaking. As English is a global language, students are exposed to different accents and cultures, and this broadens their perspective and understanding of the world. Moreover, class debates and discussions polish the critical thinking and analytical skills, which are also important for public speaking.

Business and English Class

In today's interconnected world, businesses are increasingly becoming global, and communication is key to success. English is the language of international business, and being fluent in English provides a competitive edge in the job market. English classes, specifically designed for business purposes, teach practical skills such as negotiating, presenting, and writing formal emails that are crucial in the workplace. English proficiency also improves chances of international business partnerships, facilitating cross-culture exchange and building various business relationships.

Enhancement of Travel Experience by English Class


Travelling is an exciting aspect of life that exposes one to new cultures, places, and ways of life. However, language barriers can limit the travel experience, and without proper communication skills, travellers may miss out on the full experience. English is one of the most commonly spoken languages, especially in travel destinations, and being proficient in it makes travelling easier. Ordering food, asking for directions and negotiating prices become more efficient when individuals can communicate effectively. Moreover, learning about different cultures and customs, which is an integral part of English class, enhances travellers’ understanding of the places they visit.


English class is often a requirement in schools and universities, and it is easy to see why it is so important. Beyond just language proficiency, it builds confidence, improves critical thinking and analytical skills, facilitates business relationships and enhances travel experiences. Therefore, investing time, effort and resources in learning English is a step towards achieving personal and professional success.