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As a 10-year-old elementary school student, Tree is eagerly learning English. But when the English class representative refuses to copy the video, Tree's father steps in and takes matters into his own hands. Meanwhile, in a separate situation, what happens when Kun gets placed in a Europace? Finally, what's the word for a daughter-in-law who's twice as old as her father-in-law? We explore these interesting scenarios in this article.

Part 1: Tree's English Class


Tree's English class is in session, and they're watching a video to help improve their English skills. But the English class representative refuses to copy the video because he's too lazy. Tree, being the diligent student that he is, is not happy about this. Enter Tree's father, who sees what's happening and decides to take matters into his own hands. He marches over to the English class representative and presses him down onto the desk, forcing him to copy the video. Despite the drastic action, Tree's father felt it was important to instill a sense of responsibility and accountability in his daughter's classmates.

Part 2: Kun in Europace

Kun is a popular hip-hop artist who's always on the go. He recently purchased a Europace, a type of mobile home that can be transported and set up anywhere. Kun hopes to have his Europace set up in beautiful locations around the world, so he can have a quiet and peaceful place to rest between performances. Unfortunately, when Kun's Europace is being transported, it gets tossed around and bumped too much. As a result, one of his beloved turtles was injured. Kun felt guilty about the incident and took it as a lesson to be more careful in the future.

Part 3: The Word for a Twice-as-Old Daughter-in-law

The word for a daughter-in-law who's twice as old as her father-in-law is "oniyome." This situation arises when an older man marries a much younger woman, and later on, his son marries the older woman. The term "oniyome" is a specific term used in Japanese culture and is not commonly used in other languages. This type of relationship can be unique, as the daughter-in-law may end up taking care of her father-in-law later in life. Overall, the word and the concept behind it highlight cultural differences and the complexities of family relationships.


From Tree's father taking action in the classroom to Kun's mishap with his Europace, to the interesting term "oniyome," these scenarios all have one thing in common: they offer insight into different cultures and relationships. Learning about other cultures can broaden our understanding and appreciation of the world around us, and allows us to build bridges between different communities. So whether it's through language learning or exploring different lifestyles, let's strive to continue expanding our horizons and embracing diversity.