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It's not uncommon for people to hold on to memories of past relationships. However, when it comes to physical attributes such as the size of an ex-boyfriend's intimate parts, it can become a source of distress. In this article, we'll explore some ways to deal with the obsession and move on.

The Issue at Hand

Replaying memories of a satisfying physical encounter may seem harmless, but when it becomes a fixation, it can lead to negative consequences. Comparing a current partner to an ex, or even worse, not being able to fully enjoy intimacy with a current partner due to the feelings associated with an ex, could lead to a breakdown in the current relationship. It's important to identify the issue and take steps towards healing.

Letting Go

The first step in dealing with any obsession is to come to terms with it. Trying to suppress memories will only make them stronger. Instead, acknowledge the obsession and start working towards releasing it. One way to do this is to write down all the thoughts and feelings associated with the ex-partner on a piece of paper, then physically dispose of it. This symbolic act can help signify the release of the fixation.



In some cases, moving on may be more difficult than expected. Seeking guidance from a professional is nothing to be ashamed of. A counselor or therapist can provide a non-judgmental ear to listen and offer practical advice on how to deal with the fixation. Additionally, counseling can help address deeper issues that may be triggering the obsession, such as lack of self-esteem or fear of abandonment.

Focus on the Present

It's important to remember that the past is in the past. The present moment is where we have power and control. One way to focus on the present is to engage in mindfulness practices. Mindfulness can help shift attention away from the past and towards the current moment, allowing for a more fulfilling life experience. Activities such as yoga, meditation, and journaling can help cultivate mindfulness.

New Experiences

Trying new experiences can help create new memories that can override fixation on past experiences. Traveling to a new place, trying a new hobby, or embarking on a new adventure can help foster personal growth and create new sources of happiness and fulfillment.


In conclusion, dealing with an obsession with an ex-partner's physical attributes, whether it be size or otherwise, can be challenging. But it's important to remember that we have the power to move on and create new experiences. Letting go, seeking counseling, focusing on the present, and trying new experiences are all ways to help break free from the cycle of obsession and step into a brighter future.