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As a 10-year-old student at Tree Elementary School, I never thought I would have to resort to such measures to ensure my English class was running smoothly. But when our class representative wasn't taking their duties seriously, I knew I had to take matters into my own hands. But little did I know that my actions would lead to some unexpected consequences...

Forcing the English Class Representative to Copy the Video


It all started when our English class representative was slacking off. They were supposed to copy a video for the class, but instead, they spent the whole class period playing games on their phone. Fed up with their lack of responsibility, I decided to take action. I got a group of classmates together and, with their help, we managed to hold the class representative down and force them to copy the video right then and there. It may have been a bit extreme, but it got the job done.

Forcing the English Class Representative to Copy on the Table

But even after our previous encounter, it seemed like our class representative wasn't taking their duties seriously. The next time we needed them to copy something, they once again refused to do it. This time, I took a different approach. I grabbed them by the arm and dragged them over to the nearest table, pushing them down onto it. I then demanded that they copy the paper right then and there. They did so reluctantly, but at least the task was completed.

Putting Kun into the OUPAI

One day, I was playing with my toys, including a small figure called Kun, when I accidentally dropped him into an OUPAI cabinet. I didn't think much of it and went about my day. The next day, I couldn't find Kun anywhere. It wasn't until I opened the OUPAI cabinet that I realized where he had gone. I was worried that he would be damaged, but luckily he seemed to be completely unscathed. From then on, I made sure to be more careful with where I put my toys.

What Do You Call Your Father's Wife When She's Older Than Your Husband?

The answer to this question is "Co-wife." It's not a term that's used frequently nowadays, but in certain cultures, it was common for a man to have more than one wife. In these situations, the wives would be considered "co-wives." It can be a bit confusing, but it's an interesting piece of cultural history.


While my actions toward the English class representative may have been a bit extreme, I stand by them. They weren't taking their responsibilities seriously, and it was affecting the entire class. As for my mishap with Kun, it taught me the importance of being careful with my belongings. And as for the co-wife question, it just goes to show that there's always something new to learn!