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As a teenage girl, I have always been a big fan of anime and manga. Recently, I have discovered a new series called "少女的秘密" (The Secret of the Girl). This anime has hooked me since the first episode and I have been voraciously reading the manga books as well. While watching the anime and reading the manga, I have come across several English words that I have never seen before. In this article, I will share some of these words and their meanings with you. Additionally, I will also review other related topics, like wet comics and the popularity of certain books in China.

Vocabulary from "少女的秘密"

If you are a fan of anime and manga, you may know that sometimes these works have a lot of cultural references and words that may be difficult for non-Japanese speakers to understand. Here are a few words that I encountered while watching "少女的秘密":

1. Nakama

"Nakama" is a Japanese word that means a close group of friends who have a strong bond. In "少女的秘密," the protagonist forms a Nakama with her friends to work together and overcome the challenges they face.

2. Kawaii

"Kawaii" is a common Japanese word that means cute. It is often used in anime and manga to describe the appearance of cute characters or objects. In "少女的秘密," the character design is adorable and "kawaii."

3. Senpai


"Senpai" is a Japanese word that refers to someone who is older or more experienced than oneself. It is often used by students to refer to their senior classmates, while in "少女的秘密" it is a term of respect used by the juniors to their senior members in the Nakama group.

Wet Comics and Other Related Topics

1. Wet Comics

"Wet comics" are a genre of manga or anime that contains sexually suggestive or explicit content. While this type of content is not appropriate for all ages, it is still popular in Japan and other countries. As a teenager, I personally do not find this genre appealing, but I understand that everyone has their own preferences and tastes. In "少女的秘密," there are no wet comics scenes, making it a safe and enjoyable series for viewers of all ages.

2. Popularity of Books in China

China is a huge market for anime and manga, and there are many bookstores and websites that sell books and merchandise. However, some books are more popular than others. Based on my research and discussions with friends, "少女的秘密" is becoming increasingly popular in China, especially among teenage girls. The cute and wholesome storyline, combined with strong themes of friendship, teamwork, and perseverance, make it a relatable and inspiring series for its viewers.

The Impact of "少女的秘密"

Personally, I have found "少女的秘密" to be a heartwarming and uplifting series that has taught me the importance of friendship and teamwork. The character development is excellent and the storyline keeps me hooked. Additionally, the show has introduced me to several new English vocabulary words that I can use in my daily life. I hope that this article has been informative and enjoyable and that it inspires more people to watch and read "少女的秘密."


Whether you are a fan of anime and manga or just curious about new vocabulary words, I hope that this article has been helpful to you. "少女的秘密" is an excellent series that I highly recommend to anyone who enjoys stories about friendship, teamwork, and overcoming challenges. By reading and watching it, you can not only learn new words but also be entertained and inspired.